Saturday, April 22, 2006

I can't believe it's been over a month since the last entry. Sorry about that. Moving and cleaning and craigslisting for furniture has kinda eaten up the last three weeks of my time.

But now it is spring, our new home is mostly furnished (see below), and a long lost (to the vagaries of Washington, D.C.) friend is in town. All of which is to say that the drudgeries of moving and of the relentless rain have finally let up, and it's time for eating and drinking with friends, farmers' markets, frolicking in the sun, and reading books again. I'm ashamed to admit this, but since Nick Hornby's Polyphonic Spree, I have only finished three books, Howard's End and two light fantasy books. I am still in the "middle" (more like the beginning) of Anna Karenina and The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay, but neither feel like springtime reading. Any recommendations, fellow bookworms?

I have to go to the symphony, but I leave you with the promise of a post dedicated solely to all the wonderful food we've made recently.


nicole busse said...

sooo pretty!

Ann said...

your apartment is darling, i'm particularly fond of the kitchen!

we must catch up soon, my friend. email me! loveandtea(at)